Search Results for: apachesolr_search/veterans treatment court mentor – Page 13

Case Management

Best Practice Standard #6 asserts that participants will receive complimentary treatment and social services that are known to influence the use of drugs/alcohol and criminal recidivism. Case management is a fundamental feature of the treatment court model and these resources provide an overview of how to provide effective case management services within your treatment court program.

Families and Parenting

Best Practice Standard #6 asserts that participants will receive complimentary treatment and social services that are known to influence the use of drugs/alcohol and criminal recidivism. Given the devastating impact substance use has on families and the role of family in the recovery process, programs that provide participants with access to parenting/family treatment services have positive outcomes. These resources provide an overview of specific evidence-based resources (i.e., family-based treatment, parenting curricula, etc.)that are effective with

Mental Health Courts

Operational documents, foundational readings, and other critical resources curated specifically for Mental Health Treatment Courts.

Peer Support for Dual Recovery in Treatment Settings

Two-track programs focusing their energy on either substance use or other mental health challenges have continued to be the norm in many treatment settings despite the evidence showing improved outcomes for people who are dually diagnosed that receive specialized treatment. In this webinar we will explore why we should work to change this standard, and how peer support can be deployed to better support people in dual recovery. By the end of this training, participants

Reentry Courts

Operational documents, foundational readings, and other critical resources curated specifically for Reentry Courts.

Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)

In order to register for this course, you must complete the Motivational Interviewing Level 1 and Level 2 course. Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) is an evidence-based method for reducing harm and improving outcomes for patients with substance use disorders. This SBIRT training will prepare participants to deliver SBIRT interventions in health care and other settings. In this interactive, instructor-led workshop, you will learn the SBIRT process, practice using SBIRT screening tools, practice administering